Title 40-10-180(b) Code of Alabama. The tax collecting official of each county shall have the sole authority to decide whether his or her county shall utilize the sale of a tax lien or the sale of property to collect delinquent property taxes and the method decided shall apply to all property in that county for that year and future years unless notice is given that changes the method as prescribed!
As the tax collecting official for Hale County, please accept this notice as a declaration of my intentions to conduct a Tax Lien Auction and Sale for the collection of delinquent taxes for the year 2021-2022 forward. Title 40-10-180(c) Code of Alabama requires that this notice be advertised once a week for three consecutive weeks, prior to October 1, 2021, in a newspaper with general circulation of said county, or the tax collecting official’s website. hale.capturecama.com
Andretta Skipper
Tax Collecting Official
Hale County